Possibility Coaching
Your discovery to find out who you really are!
Your research to find your next doorway into adulthood!
An ongoing process to move into your next possible space!
A holistic journey into your inner universe!
A session which might change your life - Are you ready to become someone new?
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About Possibility Coaching
What is it? How does it work? What is a session like?
What is Possibility Coaching?
Windows are for seeing through. Doors are for going through. Bridges are for crossing over into new territory. Possibility Coaching opens windows, doorways, and bridges to entirely different futures for you to use if you choose.
The value of Possibility Coaching is that it gives you new options to choose from and the clarity and energy to transform new choices into new actions that create new results.
Modern western culture, particularly the mental health arts, are saturated in the Jungian / Freudian context of psychoanalysis developed a century-and-a-half ago, aimed at understanding your condition. This intellectual orientation fits perfectly with modern education's overemphasis on knowing as the highest value and has gone largely unquestioned as the best and proper approach.
However, during the past fifty years other modalities for optimizing the human condition have been quietly emerging as a result of diverse experimentation and careful note-taking.
One such form is Possibility Coaching, making use of the transformational forces and practical clarity of the tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions and adulthood initiatory processes of Possibility Management.
Possibility Coaching originates in a different context from psychoanalysis, and aims at different outcomes. The context of Possibility Coaching is possibility, radical responsibility, and authentic adulthood. The core assertion in the context of Possibility Coaching is that, "Something completely different from this is possible right now." The proof of this assertion is Possibility Coaching sessions.
During Possibility Coaching step-by-step procedures empower you to take back your own authority... for everything. Along the way as your various parts come together in new ways you probably never imagined, you happily discover that your mind (as well as your other four bodies) are yours to play with and make into whatever you want. A new future unrolls as a side-effect of you building inner capacities that welcome more awareness.
New behaviors start almost by surprise when upgraded thinking models give you new perceptions and viewpoints.
Clarity creates possibility.
Possibility opens new options to choose from.
You are the chooser.
How does it work?
Your authentic questions open spaces of possibility that you and the Coach can explore together. All questions are allowed. You get to go wherever you want to go.
Your vulnerable uncertainty may at first seem like a terrible handicap. You may be surprised when you discover how to use it as a rich magnet for empowered options during a Possibility Coaching session.
Clients bring such a multiplicity of cares, for example:
- Panic, sadness, or anger attacks.
- Depression, burnout.
- Loss of joy in life, lack of intimacy, sexual drabness, broken dreams, unfulfilled expectations.
- Feeling betrayed, resentful, abandoned, unseen, not good enough.
- Unfulfilling sexual encounters.
- Seeing what should come next, but not knowing how to get there.
Sessions are also fantastic for supporting you to make big decisions:
- How do I know if I should keep holding onto a job that I don't really want to do anymore?
- Am I clinging into a relationship that does not nurture me anymore? What else is possible for me?
- Who am I really? What am I here for? What's the point? What is my true calling?
- How do I live in a world like this with people like them?
- What if I am not certain? How can I get clarity and energy to make changes?
- How can I connect with people or build a team?
- It feels like something important is missing from my life... how can I find it?
Difficult circumstances are gateways to a brighter future whenever you have the courage to come sit in the Possibility Chair and ask for help.
How does a session look like?
No one can be in a coaching session for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from getting to one!
Scan the faces in the photos shown below, or somehow choose who you would like to have a Possibility Coaching session with. Even if their website is written in German or Nederlands or Portuguese, write or call them anyway. He or she probably speaks excellent English.
Most coaches can meet you either in person in their workspace or through a video call using Zoom, WhatsApp, or Skype.
Arrange an appointment with your chosen Possibility Coach via telephone, email, or messaging.The Coach will want you to have something like a Beep! Book in which to take notes about the new distinctions that you make in your session, plus perhaps clear instructions for experiments to try after the session.
In a simple and sacred way the safe space is established and your adventure journey begins.
The session will unfold in any of a variety of ways, none of which are predicted by the Coach. He or she is your navigation aid and support team.
Certainly you will feel something. This is why it can help to be on the New Thoughtmap of Feelings before a session starts.
In short, the Old Thoughtmap of Feelings tells you there are three 'negative' or 'bad' feelings (anger, sadness, and fear) and only one 'good' feeling (joy), but don't go around feeling too joyful or people will think you don't have enough work to do or that you don't take life seriously... haven't you seen the news? Maybe you're on drugs... The Old Thoughtmap of Feelings says that actually it is better not to feel at all. Then when someone asks you, "How are you ?" you can say, "I am fine," meaning, "I feel numb."
Fortunately there is a New Thoughtmap of Feelings. On the New Thoughtmap there are four neutral feelings (anger, sadness, fear, and joy), neither good nor bad, not positive or negative, providing you with 0% to 100% intense energy and information, unmixed, all day and all night, to use for delivering the services of your Archetypal Lineage. By starting a Possibility Coaching session on the New Thoughtmap of Feelings you can go for light years.
You will find tremendous clarity about the old and new feelings maps in Conscious Feelings, Building Love That Lasts, the children's bedtime book: Goodnight Feelings, and also in Expand The Box training.
What is Possibility Coaching?
In a Q & A meeting, Clinton Callahan was interviewed by the becoming Possibility Coaches of the first season of the Possibility Coaching Training.
His answers are candid and vulnerable, yet give a clear overview of the value, methodology, healing and transformational effectiveness of this radically new form of Coaching.
We hope you get as inspired as we are to learn and deliver Possibility Coaching around the world.
Global pricing
How much do I pay for a Possibility Coaching Session?
A Possibility Coaching session is never for free - it will cost you your life. Your life how it was before. This is the real price you will pay.
However, there is an exchange of value happening while you are in a session.
Below are listet the global prices for Possibility Coaching sessions related in which country you are currently located.
If you are nomadic, please clacify yourself into the level of your monthly incoming value.
After participated in a Possibility Coaching Training, Possibility Coaches are on their path to be-come a Possibility Coach.
After holding space for 50 Possibility Coaching Sessions, Possibility Coaches are starting to charge for their service.
We want to ensure transparency and a level of service quality. Additionally we want to empower newly started Coaches in their delievery of service to the world. Therfore we decided to have two categories.
The purpose of having a global agreement, is based on the Bright Principles of Teamwork & Collaboration.
Sessions with Junior Coaches (#51 - #100)
A Junior Coach has already held space for minimum 50 PC Sessions but less then 100 PC Sessions.
The price depends on where you live.
‘Sliding Scale’ means that you as a Client chose how much you give:
1. YELLOW TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Brazil / Turkey / Egypt = $/€ 20 - 100 in the local currency.
2. BLUE TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Poland / Portugal = $/€ 35 - 100 in the local currency.
3. RED TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Germany, France, USA, Canada = $/€ 50 - 100.Sessions with Senior Coaches (#101 onward)
A Senior Coach held space for at least 100 Possibility Coaching Sessions.
The price depends on where you live.
‘Sliding Scale’ means that you as a Client chose how much you give:
1. YELLOW TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Brazil / Turkey / Egypt = $/€ 55 - 115 in the local currency.
2. BLUE TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Poland / Portugal = $/€ 100 - 200 in the local currency.
3. RED TIER - Countries with a cost-of-living equivalent to Germany, France, USA, Canada = $/€ 150 - 300.Participants pay for Possibility Coaching Sessions in full and in advance before the first session.
Payment is confirmation of your registration.
- you want to experience a session?
The next step is to chose a Possibility Coach!
If you receive trustworthy support,
there is nowhere you can't go!
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POSCOACH.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!